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TrussVision – Leaders in Roof Inspections & Certification

Our Services

1. Certification of new timber roof structures

The Law.

Owners of residential buildings must be aware of their responsibilities.

Substitution of Regulation A19
Regulation A19 of the Regulations is substituted with the following Regulation:
(1) Where in terms of these regulations and in respect of the erection of any building: (a) a Rational Design or rational assessment, is required in terms of : (i) Regulations ZA(l)(b)(ii), A(1)(3), A23(4), G1(3), 04, P2(2), q3), R(3), Tl(2) or W4 in respect of a system, measure, facility, parameter, or installation, as relevant, or (ii) a part of SANS 10400; or
(b)a geotechnical investigation is required in terms of Regulation F3 the owner of the building shall subject to the provisions of sub-regulations (4) and (5) appoint and retain one or more approved competent persons to undertake responsibility for the work associated with such regulations including any inspections and certifications that may be required.

56 No. 31084 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 30 MAY 2008

Building regulations

2. Supervision of newly erected timber structures

Enterprising Building Professionals are increasingly relying on effective Project Management Based Processes.  Thereby managing external professionals or specialized skills to ensure successful project deliverables.

Recent case studies have proven the value of such overseeing activities. As a result many potential dangerous malpractices and abuse of structural elements on site are eliminated.

This is also in line with the following:

Construction Regulations No. 8.

The size and risk profile of this project necessitates the supervision of the erection phase of this roof structure . It is also in line with the recommendations of the new “Construction Regulations” No. 8 nl. The appointment of a competent person by the Principal Contractor to oversee this section of the project.

It is furthermore strongly advised that a competent person in the industry be consulted to oversee the Roof installation process on a daily basis. Above all to ensure that the correct Roof Erection Procedures are being followed and that bad practice and subsequent damage to the timber is avoided. This will also eliminate the possibility of missing any possible manufacturing errors.  The inspector will have the design & manufacturing documentation on site to compare the design requirements.


Need A Timber Roof Inspection & Certification Specialist?

3. Roof structure evaluation assessments

Inspection Services include the following:

  • Initial Structural assessment – Video recordings & photos.
  • Re-design and analysis (if necessary) by professionals
  • Written Roof Structure Evaluation Report with a repair summary.
  • Bill of quantities.
  • Supervision of the remedial work.
  • Certification
Damage roof truss


Certified Roof Inspector (Cert.RI)

ITC Certified Roof Inspectors are deemed to be recognised as competent in their specific occupational professional designation. Members are awarded an ITC – COC number (Certificate of Competence). In other words  a clear demonstration of their status under the National Qualifications Framework Act (Act 67 of 2008).  Also accredited by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA). This recognition is also recognized by statutory organizations like the NHBRC & the NRCS

Roof Certification, Supervision, Evaluation & Assessments – WE DO IT ALL!